What is a DVT of the leg? A DVT is a blood clot that form in the veins of the lower leg. A DVT is considered a medical emergency because the clot can break loose and travel to your lungs causing a pulmonary embolism (PE). A PE is when a blood clot gets lodged into your lung and can cause …
Ankle Arthroscopy
What is ankle arthroscopy? Ankle arthroscopy is a surgical procedure that uses a fiber optic camera and other tools (shaver, radiofrequency abalator) to treat/diagnose pathology in the ankle joint. This procedures consists of 2 small incision on the medial side of the tibialis anterior tendon and lateral to the peroneus tertius tendon. Ankle arthroscopy can be done anteriorly and posteriorly …
What are Bunions? Bunions are bumps that develop at the base of the big toe joint. These bumps are bony growths that can become worse over time without treatment or self-care. When bunions fail to improve with self-care measures, surgery might be an option for patients to consider. What are the Signs of a Bunion? Bunions appear as bumps on …