Toenail Fungus – Onychomycosis or tinea unguium

What is toenail fungus? People can develop an infection of their toenails by from different types of fungus, mold, or yeast ( dermatophytes – trichophyton, candida) . The fungus can infect multiple parts of the nail unit including the nail bed and/or plate What are the types of toenail fungus? There are 4 main types of toenail fungus: distal subungual, …

Toe Fracture

What bones make up the toes of the foot? The foot has 14 toe bones: 3 bones in toes 2-5 the distal, middle, and proximal phalanx. The big toe has 2 bones: the distal and proximal phalanx. What are the causes of toe fractures? The cause of toe fractures are trauma, whether by direct blow or impact. Most commonly people …

Jones Fracture of the foot

What is a Jones Fracture? A Jones Fracture is located at the 5th metatarsal, specifically at the metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction. The fracture occurs in an area called vascular watershed meaning low blood supply. How to diagnosis a Jones Fracture? The area around the base of the 5th metatarsal will usually have swelling, bruising, and be tender to the touch. Xrays are …

Sesamoiditis of the foot

What are the sesamoids of the foot? There are two sesamoids in each foot, the Tibial and Fibular sesamoid. The sesamoid are located underneath your big toe joint forming the sesamoid apparatus. The sesamoids function as a pulley for tendons and allow leverage when the big toe pushes off the ground.  What is sesamoiditis? Sesamoiditis is inflammation of the sesamoids …