Hand-Foot Syndrome or Palmar-Plantar Erythodysesthesia

What is Hand-Foot Syndrome? Hand-Foot Syndrome is a side effect of some cancer treatments.  What are the symptoms of Hand-Foot Syndrome? Redness, swelling, tingling, burning, tenderness, callus formation, blistering, skin cracking, sores, severe pain.  What is the cause of Hand-Foot Syndrome? Some cancer drugs that leg out of the blood vessels during treatment can cause the growth of skin or …

Athlete’s Foot (tinea pedis)

What is Athlete’s foot? Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection of the foot. Fungal infections of the foot are common because of the dark, moist, and warm environment inside shoes. Fungus thrives in areas such as public pools, gyms, public showers, and locker room which is why a fungal infection of the foot is called athlete’s foot.  How to diagnose …

Lisfranc Injury of the Foot

What is a Lisfranc injury? A lisfranc injury is a disruption between the tarsometarsal joint complex specifically damage to the lisfranc ligament that connects the medial cuneiform to the 2nd metatarsal. How to diagnose a Lisfranc injury? X-rays are typically used to diagnose lisfranc injuries and specifically attention is paid to a widening of the gap between the medical cuneiform …

Plantar Fasciitis

What is the plantar fascia? The plantar fascia is  layer of connective tissue that originates at the heel bone (calcaneus) and extends towards your toes. The plantar fascia is important for maintaining the stability of the foot arch. What is plantar fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis is inflammation of the plantar fascia through repetitive micro trauma that causes tears and may lead …

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) of the Leg

What is a DVT of the leg? A DVT is a blood clot that form in the veins of the lower leg. A DVT is considered a medical emergency because the clot can break loose and travel to your lungs causing a pulmonary embolism (PE). A PE is when a blood clot gets lodged into your lung and can cause …


What are Bunions? Bunions are bumps that develop at the base of the big toe joint. These bumps are bony growths that can become worse over time without treatment or self-care. When bunions fail to improve with self-care measures, surgery might be an option for patients to consider. What are the Signs of a Bunion? Bunions appear as bumps on …

Achilles Tendonitis

What is Achilles tendonitis? Achilles tendonitis is a chronic inflammation of achilles tendon that causes thickening and pain of the tendon. The thickening occurs anywhere along the tendon, but most commonly at the insertion. At the insertion of achilles there can also be abnormal bony enlargement from the calcaneus. This bone can also cause irritation forming a painful retrocalcaneal bursa. …

Custom Foot Orthotics

Foot Orthotic  What is an orthotic? An orthothosis is a device that provides, correction, support and/or protection to a part of the body. A foot orthosis is also known as an orthotic.  What are the types of orthotics? Orthotics can be broken down into two types: Functional or accommodative. They come in 3 different lengths mets, sulcus, and toes. There …

Plantar Foot Warts – Plantar Verrucae

What are foot warts? Warts are human papilloma virus (HPV – DNA virus) that live in the skin layer of the foot, specifically the epidermis. Most common strains of HPV that affect the hands are 1, 2, 4, and 10. Warts that grow together in clusters are called mosaic warts. What  causes foot warts? Warts are transmitted through direct contact …

Osteomyelitis in Foot and Ankle (OM)

What is osteomyelitis? Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone with progressive inflammatory destruction.  What  causes osteomyelitis? There are many ways a bone can develop an infection, but are mainly categorized into hematogenous (from the blood), contiguous spread (from the surrounding tissue), or direct inoculation ( bacteria being put on the bone).  How to diagnose osteomyelitis? Depending on the cause …