What is an over the counter insert? An OTC insert is a prefabricated insert that is sold by companies to help treat a different variety of foot pathology What are the different type of OTC inserts? Inserts are broken down into two categories: Accommodative vs Functional. A accommodative insert is a gel or foam type of insert that helps support …
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
What is CRPS? CRPS is a painful nerve condition with excess and prolonged pain/inflammation that occurs after an injury. Patients with CRPs have pain out of proportion and extreme sensitivity to the touch.There is improper function of the peripheral C-fiber nerve fibers that carries pain message to the brain. What causes CRPS? Trauma, Surgery, prolong immobilization, anxiety/depression, use of ace …
Dry Cracked Heels – Heel Fissures
What is a dry cracked heel? A painful dry cracked heel is called a fissure. A fissure occurs when the callus becomes thick, dry and then a crack in the skin forms. The fissures can be painful since it is an open wound and lots of pressure is placed on the heel when walking. Fissures typically heal, but can be …
Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Foot and Ankle
What is Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)? Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disease that mainly attacks the joints. Overtime if the rheumatoid arthritis is not controlled it can cause chronic severe pain, erosion of joints, and deformity. A common board question related to RA is to check the cervical spine prior to surgical intervention. How are the symptoms of …
Best Ankle braces
What is an ankle brace? An ankle brace is an external device used to support an injured, weak, painful ankle. Most commonly ankle braces are worn after ankle sprains and can be used for people that have ankle or subtalar ankle arthritis. How does an ankle brace work? An ankle brace provides support by limiting the range of motion of …
Accessory Navicular Syndrome (os tibiale externum)
What is an accessory navicular? An accessory navicular is an extra bone that someone is born with a birth and is attached to the navicular. The Classification for accessory naviculars is by Geist: Type 1 is a bone embedded in the posterior tibial tendon, type 2 is attached to the navicular by a fibrocartilaginous connection, and a type 3 is …
Os Trigonum Syndrome
What is the Os Trigonum? The Os Trigonum in an extra bone that can develop behind the ankle joint behind the talus. This accessory bone is connected to the talus by a fibrous band and is present at birth. It can be present in either one or both ankles. What is Os Trigonum Syndrome? Most people with an os trigonum …
Achilles Rupture: Operative vs. Nonoperative Treatment
What is an achilles rupture? The achilles tendon is formed by the gastrocnemius and soleus tendon and inserts into the back of the heel (calcaneus bone). The achilles tendon is the major tendon involved in bending the ankle down (plantar flexion) and allowing the foot to push off the ground. Why is it important to treat an achilles rupture? If …
Compression Socks or Stockings
What are compression socks? Compression socks are stretchable socks/stockings that apply gentle higher pressure from the foot to a lower pressure at the calf to promote blood flow and decrease swelling. Compression socks come in various pressure measured in units of mm Hg from light 8-15 mm Hg, mild 15-20 mm Hg, moderate 20-30 mm Hg, and firm 30-40 mm …
Plantar Fibroma (Ledderhose disease)
What is a plantar fibroma? It is a hard mass that grows in the plantar fascia and can range from 1 to multiple nodules. Plantar fibromas are benign, slow growing, and are symptomatic when they are large enough to cause pain from pressure of walking and standing. What are the causes of plantar fibromas? The exact cause of developing plantar …