Over The Counter (OTC) Insert

What is an over the counter insert?

An OTC insert is a prefabricated insert that is sold by companies to help treat a different variety of foot pathology

What are the different type of OTC inserts?

Inserts are broken down into two categories: Accommodative vs Functional. A accommodative insert is a gel or foam type of insert that helps support the foot in its current position as is typically ideal for diabetics, elder, neuropathy, and sensitive feet. A functional insert is made of a firmer material and is designed to realign the foot and help restore it’s normal biomechanics function. 

What is the best brand of OTC inserts?

While there is no best brand of OTC inserts. The brands that I most recommend are SuperFeet and PowerStep Inserts

Best Insert for people with flat feet?

SuperFeet Green or Blues. Powerstep Protech 

Best Insert for High Arches?

Powerstep Pinnacle High

Best Accommodative Insert?

Any insert with plastazote material or gel. 

If you have foot or ankle pain and would like a consultation. Make an appointment at Orange County Podiatry with Dr. Andrew Yang https://ocfootandankleclinic.com/appointments/ or call (949) 651-1202